Time to Start a Garden: Tips for Beginners (Like Me)

Start a Garden, Time to Start a Garden: Tips for Beginners (Like Me), The Travel Bug Bite

It’s that time of year to start a garden! While outdoor gardens or greenhouses are the best way to go, it is also possible to grow a bunch of things indoors. As long as you have the good light, anything is possible! We are finally starting our outdoor garden, indoors today.

Last year we planted seeds outside a little too early. They did pretty well but we had a lot more luck with there three seedlings that someone gave us. One tiny tomato plant gave us more produce than a large Miracle Grow tomato plant from Home Depot. So this year we are starting early and will be planting most things indoors to re-plant outside when the time is right!

There are plenty of tutorials online about seedlings! I found this one particularly helpful:

Start a Garden:

I am not a gardening expert but I am hoping to become one. There are so many people who decide to start but get overwhelmed with all the information out there. I recommend starting by getting great soil – see if any nearby farms sell it. If you are in Rhode Island I definitely recommend Earth Care Farm.

The second thing you need is a raised garden bed. If you are like me, you may think that you could save money by using cinder blocks or tires – DON’T. Both of these release chemicals that you don’t want in your food. It’s cheapest to buy a raised garden bed kit or to buy untreated wood and assemble it yourself. We went with Home Depot’s Original Cedar Raised Garden Bed. If you buy several of them, they fit together like a puzzle. This makes it so much easier!

The final step is to figure out what to plant and when to do it. As I already mentioned, we will be planting seeds inside and replanting the seedlings outside when the time is right. To be more eco-friendly, we will be using egg cartons and take-out containers that we have been collecting for this purpose.

First of all, it’s important to know what can grow next to each other. Certain plants are friends and others are enemies – meaning that they attract pests that harm the other, etc. Next it is important to figure out when to plant certain plants. This is specific to where you live and the climate there. I am using this guide for New England that clearly states that we are behind.

The final step for us will be to watch some refresher videos. This channel in general is great for tips on how to start a garden.

This was our garden last year:


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