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World Honey Bee Day: Raising Awareness

World Honey Bee Day, World Honey Bee Day: Raising Awareness, The Travel Bug Bite

World Honey Bee Day is celebrated globally on the third Saturday of August. On the surface, bees seem like one of your typical insects, however, bees have been declared the most important living beings on this planet. That’s right, not just the most important insect, THE most important LIVING BEING. And their rapidly declining population is a crisis that we should all be worried about.

“The recent studies show a dramatic decline of the bees’ number as almost 90 percent of the bee population has disappeared in the last few years. The uncontrolled use of pesticides, deforestation or lack of flowers are the main reasons for their extinction.”

Science Times
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World Honey Bee Day

Today is a great day not only to celebrate these tiny workers but also raise awareness and take action. Seventy percent of the world’s agriculture depends exclusively on bees. Even before their recent decline, scientist have been concerned. Albert Einstein even said, “If the bees disappear, humans would have 4 four years to live.”

There are several things you can do today! Stop using certain pesticides around your home, or sign petitions to prohibit them on a grander scale. Also, plant some flowers that bees can enjoy. Morgan Freeman recently transformed his 124-acres of land in Mississippi into a bee sanctuary in order to protect the species. Also, if you’re going to buy honey – find a local beekeeper to avoid promoting places that don’t have the bee’s best interest at heart.

What Honey Bees Do For Us

Here’s ab illustration of what all honey bees, and a colony of honey bees, do for us in the UK each year. However, pollination is from all invertebrates, of which honey bees are a significant contributor.


Bees are so important for the health of our planet. Without them, the world as we know it would be over. Many believe that the bees dying would kill off most other life on this planet. Yet, companies still use dangerous pesticides and aren’t taking enough action to reverse the rapid decline of honey bees. Here is a petition that you can sing to make a difference.

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Bonus Jewelry

Speaking of bees! Check out these buzzing earrings on Everyfelt. I wear these myself and love to use them as an excuse to educate people about bees and raise awareness. The larges bees can be bought here and the smaller ones here.

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