FabFitFun Personality Test: Apparently I’m a Dreamer

FabFitFun Personality Test, FabFitFun Personality Test: Apparently I’m a Dreamer, The Travel Bug Bite

Today I took the FabFitFun Personality Test. I’ve been really into all things FabFitFun. Their magazine is full of great tips, their boxes are great, and their add-on deals are too good to resist. They even have a community where members can interact and chat. I don’t normally take the time to do personality tests, but I was looking in to fix a credit card issue while enjoying my morning MUD\WTR and I thought, why not?

FabFitFun Personality Test, FabFitFun Personality Test: Apparently I’m a Dreamer, The Travel Bug Bite

FabFitFun Personality Test

A lot of times personality tests end up asking for your personal information and there’s always a catch. Since FabFitFun already has your info, this really does seem to be just a fun test. Although they do have a few questions about your spending habits that could be market research on their clients.

The only thing I felt the test was missing is showing the statistics on how many people got which result. It would be interesting to see if a certain personality type is more likely to be a FabFitFun subscriber, for example. If anyone is analyzing the results, it must be fascinating and I am super jealous.

Anyway, these are the possible personalities:

FabFitFun Personality Test, FabFitFun Personality Test: Apparently I’m a Dreamer, The Travel Bug Bite

FabFitFun Personality Test: Possible Personalities

Personally, I like to read the different results before I take a test like this. I like to guess what I might get and then see if I actually get it. When I see something like this on Facebook, I like to see if any of my friends got the same results.

Keep in mind that there are many personality tests that are pretty random and just tell you what you want to hear. Sometimes while stealing your personal info. This one seems a little more thought out and they don’t ask to connect to your social media, so I decided to trust it.

Also, there were questions asked that tempted me to lie to look better. But I did my best to stay honest. Anyway, I got the dreamer. Let me show you the different personalities. Feel free to skip past them if you don’t like being spoiled.

The Dreamer – Free Spirit, Independent, Laid Back

“The freedom you feel emboldens the world.” – FabFitFun Personality Test

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As the Dreamer spontaneity is what makes you feel most alive. You’d rather have a day completely unplanned and go with the flow than you would have everything organized down to the minute.

You often act without thinking about the consequences, because you know you can learn as you go. While it would be nice to be seen as successful, you care more about your freedom and where life may take you.

You often act impulsively and have experienced amazing things in life because you remain open to whatever life throws your way.

The Companion – Patient, Flexible, Peaceful

“Your ability to sense others’ needs and respond to them is universally admired.”

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As the Companion you’re a nurturer by nature. How often are you the first to forgive someone for their wrongdoing or reach out if someone is having a hard time? You care deeply for others and favor cooperation and compromise over competition and conflict.

You believe that mistakes are a part of life, although you may be quicker to forgive others than yourself. You are also quick to give in to others’ ideas and would definitely rather go with the flow than create any drama. Sometimes, this can leave you feeling like others are taking advantage of your generous nature.

But that nature is at your core and likely adored by others. There is no need to try and change it either, provided you realize that you can both take care of yourself and be a generous and nurturing person.

The Critic – Tough, Disciplined, Passionate

“Your questions and opinions set you, proudly, apart.” – FabFitFun Personality Test

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As the Critic you know how to defend an idea and make your point heard. You challenge norms others may easily accept and even enjoy the process. You express yourself by sticking up for your beliefs and doing what you can to convince others to follow along.

It’s important for you to take care of your needs first and foremost. This means that you’re not likely to conform into the mold others make for you.

The down side is that you may resent others who oppose your way of doing things and as a life choice resentment is an energy waste. But the passion, integrity and unique perspective you bring is an invaluable addition to any group that is truly committed to finding the best solution.

The Defender – Pragmatic, Conventional, Down to Earth

“Your traditions and values have gotten you here and surely guide your future.”

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As the Defender you’re a creature of habit and strongly prefer to stick with what you know. As someone that thrives on routine, you’re unlikely to switch things up unless there’s a clear reason to do so.

There are few people you trust enough to take recommendations and feedback from in life, but you 100% trust those from whom you do.

You love traditions and feel as if something is missing when they are skipped or changed. You’re likely to avoid unconventional ideas in order to keep things simple and safe.

The Discoverer – Cultured, Creative, Curious

“No idea too soon, few experiences taboo, the world is your playground.” – FabFitFun Personality Test

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As the Discoverer you see every day as having the potential of a new adventure. Your inquisitive nature knows there’s always something to learn around every corner.

Whether it’s traveling the world or visiting a local museum, you ask questions and look for a deeper meaning behind what’s on the surface. Your ideas are creative and imaginative, which often leaves you looking for more in-depth conversations and research.

You live life on your own terms and there are few things you wouldn’t try–at least once.

The Trailblazer – Social, Energetic, Confident

“You bring energy to any group, along with the plans for a good time.”

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As the Trailblazer you’re used to being in the spotlight as the center of attention. You feel at ease, even excited, when addressing a group of people, large or small. If there’s ever a need for an impromptu speech no one has to ask you twice.

You thrive on just being around people, it’s where you’re most comfortable. While others may find that being with lots of people is draining, it’s the exact opposite for you. Activities around others give you energy to live your best life.

With your upbeat nature and adventurous spirit, you have a knack for bringing the right people together at the right time, a gift that has opened many doors for yourself and those around you.

The Foundation – Independent, Stable, Calm

“You are a source of stability for those around you.” – FabFitFun Personality Test

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As the Foundation you have an incredibly strong sense of self-control and a level headed approach to all of life. You take a very rational approach to life, assessing risk and opportunities as they present themselves.

You don’t find a need to worry about the future or anything you can’t control as long as you feel you have done what you can to get prepared. When stressful scenarios present themselves, you have the rare ability to remain calm and process details for what they are.

And while it may be hard for you to fully understand why other people react as emotionally as they do, you have found that inevitably others come to you in times of crisis knowing that you’re always able to give sound advice and even a shoulder to cry on. And you are okay with that role, truth be known you even relish the fact you can be such a resource for others.

The Heart – Sensitive, Empathetic, Sentimental

“You lead with your heart and emotions.”

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As the Heart you feel everything that happens to or around you. You process life with deep emotion and feeling. When you feel joy, you often feel it more deeply than others. Crying for love at a wedding is within most other’s comfort zone but crying at in the middle of dinner, well you’ve likely experienced a whole range of reactions to such expressions of emotions.

You also get excited when something great happens in your life, or a friend’s, after all what’s not to celebrate? When others experience ups and downs with life, you’re right there with them as well.

Sometimes you wonder why others aren’t as happy, or worried, as you are. But with time you’ve come to realize that living with your heart on your sleeve is simply part of who you are. It may not always be the easiest way to experience life but no one will ever say you do not fully engage with every experience that comes your way.

The Monarch – Bold, Proud, Calculating

“You like nice things and being in control.” – FabFitFun Personality Test

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As the Monarch you’re creative in finding ways to get what you want. You have a burning determination to get ahead in life. Being wealthy, respected and having everything you want are not just goals, for you they’re needs. And you are willing and able to use all the tools, sometimes even tricks, of the trade to get what you want.

You’re quick with a joke, compliments to others come easy, especially when others are onboard with your plans. But if others try to manipulate or take advantage of you, you do not take it lightly.

While you realize some people see you as too focused, even manipulative, you don’t let such criticism sink in. Living well is truly your best revenge.

The Muse – Reserved, Deliberate, Reflective

“Your reflective approach inspires those around you.”

FabFitFun Personality Test, FabFitFun Personality Test: Apparently I’m a Dreamer, The Travel Bug Bite

As the Muse you’re highly independent. You prefer to process life for yourself before sharing your experience with others. Private by nature, you may feel awkward at times when you’re placed at the center of attention.

You often reserve your thoughts and ideas until someone explicitly asks you for your input, and even then you contemplate what’s worth sharing. It’s not that you don’t enjoy the company of others, it just takes a lot of energy from you.

You value those times when you can recharge your batteries in the privacy of your own space. While some may question why you prefer alone time over being with others, in the age of multi-tasking and over commitments, there are more and more people who find your comfort with yourself a very appealing trait.

The Navigator – Diligent, Organized, Hard Working

“Your organizational skills and ability to grasp the big picture often puts you in charge.”

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As the Navigator you understand the details from a big-picture perspective. You plan for every occasion like it’s your job. Life is simply better for you when things are organized, so you take the time to think through all of your plans and options systematically.

You set ambitious goals for yourself and do your best to ensure you have the necessary resources in place to achieve them. In any group, you’re likely the one with the tidy schedule and the reminders to keep everyone on track, and you do so with the larger goals in mind as well.

The combination of understanding the big picture and the details needed to achieve each goal is truly a superpower. One small suggestion, spontaneity can be a blast at times as well.

The Saint – Sincere, Loyal, Grateful

“You live to make the world a better place.” – FabFitFun Personality Test

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As the Saint there is no such thing as honest to a fault. The passion you feel for the ideals of life, justice and equality foremost amongst them, guides your daily thoughts and actions.

Others definitely get what they see with you. You’re truthfulness is part of your core. You have others’ best interests at heart and will do whatever you can to create a fair playing field for all involved. Your genuine nature allows friends and family to trust you and come to you for fair advice.

While you do your best to operate without a hidden agenda it’s inevitable that some will question your motives and values. But time is on your side, your consistency is your superpower. Staying true to your values is in your DNA. A sense of deeper meaning and purpose are what drives you.

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FabFitFun Personality Test: The Questions

So many different personalities! And it only takes a minute to pick between strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree on 24 questions. Here are some examples of questions that help determine your personality.

I Like to Help Others in My Free Time

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This first one made me feel bad. I have little free time and I usually spend it selfishly. Although I like to help people, I never seek out helping people in my free time. And I know so many people who do! This quiz actually managed to give me some insight on who I am vs. who I want to be.

I Admit My Mistakes – FabFitFun Personality Test

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Another tough one! I feel like this depends on who I’m with. At work I’ll be quick to take the blame but in friendships/relationships I’m more of a finger-pointer. Why? I have no idea! Another thing to think about thanks to this quiz.

I Consider Gratitude to Be One of My Strengths

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Oof, this was another that I felt bad about! This was only one of two that I answered ‘strongly disagree’ for. However, thanks to my self-improvement journals, I have been working on this one!

We Need to Take Care of Each Other

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The phrasing of this one made me think. It doesn’t ask if you take care of others. It is asking if you believe in the statement that we should. I don’t know many people who would disagree but I guess it’s more about if you believe that we are a team supporting each other rather than focusing on yourself and not depending on anyone else.

I Expect Most of My Friends Would Abandon Me

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Another tough one! Goodness, I want to meet the person who wrote these. I have questions like in what scenario? If I kick a puppy then I hope most of my friends will abandon me. But this is so general and open-ended. And does it reflect more on the kind of people you are friends with or yourself?

There is Always Something Worrying Me – FabFitFun Personality Test

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Nope, no way. I never worry about anything. Right now, for example, I’m not worrying about te answers I gave on this quiz. Not all all! Jk, I worry about worrying and everything else. Now I’m looking over my shoulder, worrying that this quiz was written with the purpose to make me worry more.

I Can Calm Myself Down After Bad Things Happen to Me

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Yes, now I’m worrying about bad things happening to me. Thanks FabFitFun… and wow another hard question. What bad things? Slamming my hand in the door is a bad thing and I can calm myself down. Seeing a large spider in my bed is a bad thing and I will need to burn the bed to calm down. That thing I said that embarrassed me 20 years ago is a bad thing and it still makes me cry. I had to go neutral with this because bad things have a wide range of calmness attached to them.

My Emotions Change for no Reason I can Describe

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Is it shame Olena day? Seems like it. Does anyone else feel bad reading and answering these questions? I hope so, cause I don’t want to be alone. Which probably rules out the Heart personality for me. Anyway, people who answer strongly disagree about this, please come be my mentor.

If I Have Free Time I spend it With Other People

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This one made me miss people and the good old non-pandemic days. I’m definitely an extroverted introvert. Sit next to me but be quiet and I’ll love you forever. Anyone else feel like this?

I Love Parties – FabFitFun Personality Test

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What kind of parties? There are SO many ways to have parties. I’m assuming they mean the kind of parties that I like, so I chose strongly agree. Who’s up for a themed costume party? I collect clothes and accessories for every occasion.

I Seek Out Adventures

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The last time I felt down, I signed up to skydive with my husband. Don’t all people do that?

I Can Easily Get Others to Follow My Lead

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Once again this is so open-ended. What am I trying to lead? I can get people to come on hike with me and teach them to forage mushrooms, people ask me to lead them on a hunt. But I could beg and plead and get ignored or slapped for other suggestions. The FabFitFun Personality Test is full of tough questions that make you think.

I Am a Trusting Person

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I mean… I won’t hop into unmarked white vans but I have taken candy from strangers. I bought some Oreos from a homeless man in NYC, justifying it as charity and then I ate them.

I Am Quick to Wipe the Slate Clean and Allow Others a Fresh Start

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Another tough one… I am super forgiving but I never forget. Does it count as a clean slate if I remember the betrayals, lies, and deceit? I guess interpreting that is part of the persoanlity test.

People Likely Think of Me as a “Yes” Person

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Sigh. Do we ever really know what people think of us? I’d like to think so, but honestly that’s naive to think. My friend Judy asked me to join the Pi Network the other day and I said yes. A day later she asked me to do a speech for kids interested in blogging/writing and I told her I’d rather die because of my fear of public speaking. Will she remember my yes or my no more strongly?

People Oftn Come to Me to Talk Because I’m a Good Listener

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I am super insecure about my listening skills. However, people to come to me to talk a lot. Another question that’s all about how we perceive what others think of us. This FabFitFun Personality Test must have been written by a psychologist because my head feels shrunk.

I Am Always Losing My Keys and Forgetting My Passwords

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Finally a proud “strongly disagree!” Now if you asked my husband… you’d get the other end of the spectrum. Also, finally a straightforward question! Unless you’re in denial about this.

I’d Rather Buy a New Outfit than Save for a Rainy Day

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This is where I got suspicious about potential market research in this personality test. That and I felt ashamed of my answer. Learning to budget and save is high on my to-do list yet I never seem to get to it. Fast fashion is literally killing the planet. My only saving grace is that I shop second hand so the outfit will be new to me but pre-loved.

I Make Impulse Purchases Without Checking a Budget

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See why I got suspicious? If they know that I’m an impulse buyer, will they send me more tempting deals? I mean, it would be bad marketing not to. But please don’t FabFitFun, I need to get better with money!

I Love Living Spontaneously and Prefer to Deal with the Consequences Later

FabFitFun Personality Test, FabFitFun Personality Test: Apparently I’m a Dreamer, The Travel Bug Bite

This has to be directly related to the previous question… although living spontaneously doesn’t have to cost a penny. Unfortunately for me it does, among other things. I can’t see how a person can strongly disagree on one and then stronly agree on the other, they go hand in hand in my opinion.

I Could See Myself Traveling the World or Living in a Different Country

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Oh I’m not so sure… wait, I AM living in a different country. Another strongly agree it is!

I Like to Explore Museums and Admire All Forms of Art

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“All forms of art” made me hesitate. There is a LOT of weird art out there. If you are not aware, Google it. I had to agree because I like to explore it, but I might not admire all of it.

I Will Learn New Things Until the Day I Die

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Who could possibly say anything but agree or strongly agree about this? I fully expect to be a stubborn old lady who thinks she knows it all (I’m basically there already.) But, it’s impossible to deny that there are always new things to learn. If you disagreed with this, please explain yourself in the comments, I’d be fascinated to hear your reasoning!

I Enjoy Trying New Things and Places that Expose Me to a Different Way of Living

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I feel like this is tied to Question 21. But this could also be a marketing question since many of the products could expose you to new things. Tricksy, FabFitFun, there is definitely more to this quiz than meets the eye.

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FabFitFun Personality Test, FabFitFun Personality Test: Apparently I’m a Dreamer, The Travel Bug Bite

Topics & Community

There are many ways that you can connect with other members. There are topics related to the FabFitFun Personality Test but also other topics. You can also bring up any other topic, as long as it is not inappropriate. This can be a great way to make like minded people!

FabFitFun Personality Test, FabFitFun Personality Test: Apparently I’m a Dreamer, The Travel Bug Bite

Summary: FabFitFun Personality Test

I did not expect to have this much fun or have this much to say about a silly free personality test. But it took me by surprise. Thank you FabFitFun for entertaining me this morning and giving me a chance to do some self-reflection. To take this test, join FabFitFun and become part of the community! I am not the type of girl to have a lifestyle subscription box, but the company has been amazing and I can’t see myself unsubscribing. Read more about the items and how it works here.

Follow The Travel Bug Bite for more great content!

FabFitFun Personality Test, FabFitFun Personality Test: Apparently I’m a Dreamer, The Travel Bug Bite


  1. such tests are so much fun and often it is very accurate, helps you to see yourself from different perspective. What result did you get?

  2. The personality test sounds interesting and fun. I have never taken a personality test because I think they are just a game and not accurate but I’ll try taking one.

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