Where to Buy the Best Canned Tuna in China for Cheap

, Where to Buy the Best Canned Tuna in China for Cheap, The Travel Bug Bite

If you follow my blog, you know I love sushi. Sadly, I can’t eat it every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Whenever I’m not eating raw fish, I’m stuffing my face with fish fillet, baked salmon and canned tuna! Yesterday I received a special delivery of 15 large cans of tuna for just 117 RMB ($18).

Don’t panic. I am not buying low quality tuna… I just spent several hours searching for the best deal online. Finally, I came across an online shop on Taobao that specializes in selling bulk supplies for Japanese restaurants. This means fresh fish that can be eaten raw right out of the box, kilos of tiny wasabi packages and *drum roll* canned tuna.

These 185 gram cans are filled with large, high quality pieces of tuna (not tuna shreds) in vegetable oil. For 39 RMB ($6) you get a package of five of these cans. Most canned tuna in China is only sold in foreign stores and prices can be as high as 38 RMB for just one generally 90 gram can. Any time I’ve bought cheap tuna, it was shredded and contained more oil than meat.

If you don’t believe me, just try it out for yourself. I’m almost 100% sure that this is the best, cheapest and most delicious canned tuna in China. This is not a sponsored post by the way, it’s just not fair to keep such deliciousness to myself! By the way… the shipping is free!

Here’s the magical link: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.2.0.0.Cwaefv&id=537600224622&_u=c2qe98cc8dc8

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